Back in March I started my Maternity leave, eagerly awaiting the arrival of my first baby! He kept us waiting for an extra 11 days but finally made an appearance and is absolutely perfect!
Obviously I just had to give him (and us) his very own newborn shoot! At 5 days old, Hector made his first appearance in the studio and was such a good boy! Shooting in such a natural style made the session relaxing and enjoyable. One of the many reasons I don't shoot stiff, 'posed' newborn shots. I much prefer baby and parents to be happy, so candid, baby led photos are just perfect!
Now taking your own photos is challenging enough, without including a newborn but I was determined to capture my baby boy myself! Between myself, the husband and my tripod we managed some shots of all combinations I shoot on a normal session, individual baby shots, detail shots, baby with each parent and everyone together! I chose 2 dresses from my studio wardrobe and a simple baby grow and wrap for Hector. For the men, a plain white t-shirt and some light jeans/chinos are perfect and most guys have these in their wardrobe already.
My scrumptious Hector will no doubtably be my model for years to come! Here's hoping he doesn't revolt against me!