Starting your own business and running it is certainly daunting. You might have mastered the camera but perhaps the business side is falling flat and you're unsure what to do. With over 10 years experience, I will first hand help you with your photography business.
Having photography mentoring is the best way to fast track your business, gain your ideal clients and reach higher levels within the industry. If I could have had this help when I first started, or even half way through I would have saved a lot of time, money and heartache along the way.
Learning from someone who has already been there is the best way to grab all the tools you need and filter out those you potentially don't. Ivory White Photography has been through a name and brand change, navigated becoming a business owner and mastered my specific style gaining clients who appreciate my work and come to me for my specific style.
If you'd like some help with your photography business, would like to know how to contact clients, gain new ones, have the best website, a seamless social media and clever marketing tips, then my photography mentoring is for you!
Photography Mentoring | Ivory White Photography